I’m Nicole Knutsen.

My story always begins at home-my favorite place to be-with my people, my very handy husband and our three school aged children. An introvert at heart, there is nothing I like better than to stay in to read, drink multiple cups of tea, and make things. I am a maker of all sorts. Among my favorite creative endeavors are crochet and knitting, sewing, essays and poetry, bread baking, and the occasional watercolor experiment. I also have an inner gardener that has yet to make her mark on the world-but there is always room to learn, and there is nothing I love more than learning! Keeping my hands busy helps to balance out my very active mind, quieting the inner noise as I also seek ways to find peace in my surroundings.

I am passionate about living a life in apprenticeship to Christ; this is the foundation on which I build all other aspects of my identity. Simplicity has become an integral discipline of freedom in the pursuit of this life. From the way I schedule my days, to the way I shop and have ownership over objects, to the way I pursue relationships-nothing is untouched by my commitment to a simple life, mindful of the ways in which I am tied to the rest of creation. I am likewise deeply invested in the pursuit of embodiment and incarnation, the full presence of Imago Dei made manifest in me, and in you. You will see this as a recurring theme in all I offer here. My hope is to express and record my experience with the freedom of simplicity and the utter magic of incarnate living.

Social media is super weird, right!? But, it can also help us keep a record of all that we are learning, find inspiration for real personal growth, and connect us with like minded folks we wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to meet. I’d truly love to connect with you! You can find me on Instagam and Pinterest, if you are so inclined!

Establishing and maintaining a community based on respect, love, and compassion is among my highest values. Please read more about my community respect statement here.

If you are a brand and are interested in a value aligned collaboration, you can find more information here.

You may occasionally find sponsored content here. This type of content will always be clearly marked and will always reflect my honest and authentic opinions and experiences. I will only recommend products I have or would use or purchase personally. The blog may also features some affiliate links, which means I receive a small percentage per click at no extra cost to you. You can read more about this in the disclaimer.