The Delight Edit

I have a long standing tradition of writing letters to those most valued in my life, to share moments of joy and let them know they are loved.

The Delight Edit is a way of including you in that tradition, a letter at times personal, at times chatty, which will serve as a means of mindfulness around delight.

There are many blog newsletters I’ve enjoyed over the years. My goal is to take all the bits that I love most and offer them to you from my particular perspective, always built on the foundation of simplicity, growth, and joy, an in-breath, and an out-breath to reset and inspire.

These letters feature a variety of content, including…

  • links to people and writing from around the interwebs

  • poems and words of the week

  • links to podcasts and literature I’m enjoying

  • objects that are making my days simpler and more delightful

The Delight Edit may sometimes include clearly marked affiliate links. I may receive a small commission on purchases made through these links. I will always and only recommend products that I have used myself and in which I find great value. The trust I build within this community is of the highest value to me!