A Poem for Today: The Mousetrap
The box fan at my feet
hums to mask the scraping
and screeches that awake.
Still, at three, my mind snaps
open, it’s a mousetrap-
my gut blooms, it’s a sponge
corner in the dirty
dishwater: forgotten,
filmy, sick, cold, greasy.
Fresh chill from the single
paned window draws inside,
I reach myself out wide,
far from where the day’s plea
becomes one for mercy
or else a eulogy.
In just an hour or so,
the stone will be rolled from
this blinking, twilit time
and my thumbs will not prick.
In just a gasp or two,
I’ll fall instep, inhale,
exhale, to the rhythm
of the rock beside me.
What is it I’ve come here
to do? Perhaps just breathe.